Dev log 5

In the game that my group and I designed one of the aspects of the game was concealing the cards you had so your opponent could not strategize as well against you. Mr. Altice talks about concealment in his "The Playing Card Platform" article. He wrote about how the concealment of cards is paramount. He also talks about how adaptions of card games can lose aspects of concealment. Players have to work to conceal their cards when playing face-to-face, but when playing online, their faces aren't showing, so they no longer have to worry about their expressions. When we designed our own game communication was a vital part of our work. Macklin and Sharp talk about communication in chapter eight. They said that "having channels for communication is important." For us, this was easy since we worked on this project in class together. We did have to do some work at home though and for that we used Teams. We put ideas into the chat or onto the document that was in the channel and then further discussed what changes we made when we reconvened in class later that week. Macklin and Sharp also wrote about "running a meeting" in chapter eight. One of their key points to getting this done was setting a goal. This was something that came naturally to us when we were creating the card version of Bo-taoshi. We saw what the game was about when the huge group played it and immediately knew we had to create offensive and defensive cards. Along with those cards, we also knew it was going to be an HP-based game where the goal was to take your opponent's HP before they took yours. Once we had that goal we built the game out further remembering what we were working towards and making sure each thing we added fit into the mold we had made. 

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